St Matthew's Church. Wood Lane, Chapel Allerton, Leeds, United Kingdom LS7 3QF
07484 635886 revsijones@outlook.com or stmatthewschurch1900@gmail.com
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We worship every Sunday at 10am
Our Community Cafe
is open on Wednesdays 9am -1pm
Sunday 30th March
10am Joint Service
with Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
Sunday 6th April
10am Holy Communion
Sunday 13th April
10am Family Service
for Palm Sunday
Holy Week Reflections
at Chapel Allerton Methodist Church
7pm Monday 14th April
7pm Tuesday 15th April
7pm Wednesday 16th April
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
7pm Thursday 17th April
Good Friday Walk of Witness
Meet outside St Matthew's Church
10.30am Friday 18th April
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
3pm Friday 18th April
Easter Vigil and Service of Light
8pm Saturday 19th April
Easter Day Holy Communion
10am Sunday 20th April
5th Sunday of the month*
When we have five Sundays in the month we join with our friends at Chapel Allerton Methodist Church to worship God. Our next shared Sunday will be 30th March.
Everyone is invited to join us for refreshments
served at the back of Church after the Services

For Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please send us an email
Christian communities should be places where all people feel welcomed, respected, and safe from abuse. Ensuring that children, young people, adults and those who may be vulnerable for any reason are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. We are committed to encouraging an environment where everyone is able to worship and engage in their faith journey with encouragement and in safety.
If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is
Johny Blanc
07789 992752
Or you can contact the Vicar,
Revd Simon Jones
For the Diocesan Safeguarding team please ring
0113 353 0257
View or download our Safeguarding Policy Document